Morals and Ethics

Q: Does ethics and morals exist in your noosphere?

A:  They have standards for morals and ethics that are below what a non-reader would consider moral or ethical. Most non-readers, if awakened to this info, would look at the decision of their friends and family to keep them from the secret as immoral, while readers view this choice as morally necessary to protect the hive from those deemed unfit to know.

The more talented a reader,  the more likely they are to take advantage of readers of lower levels in various ways that they see as morally necessary to organize the hive.

Readers are on a need to know basis.

On each level they are told something different.

It is seen as morally necessary to higher level readers to limit information to the lower levels to maintain the hierarchy. They believe by limiting the information to the lower levels and keeping the secrets from non-readers that they are protecting the development of lower level, and younger readers while keeping those out of the noosphere who might cause trouble for the hierarchy.

I don’t see any of it as moral. As soon as the Hierarchy is overthrown there will be freedom of speech in the noosphere. There will be a new hierarchy and everyone will be encouraged to talk about it out loud.

Professional Mediums Fail Test

Here is a recent story about two professional mediums who failed to demonstrate their abilities in a laboratory setting.

Professional mediums and psychics are usually non-reader or subtly aware reader entertainers and performers. Instead of paying attention to the other readers around them they thought they were special and became professionals and began offering these services to others (non-readers who take them seriously or readers who only go for entertainment). The only problem with this is as soon as these subtly aware readers try to demonstrate their abilities in a laboratory setting or in a way that truly provides solid evidence, their abilities fade away. If they are more than a subtly aware reader then the consequences are more severe. High level readers that demonstrate their abilities in a performance manner are required to tell everyone that it is all a trick. Real readers will repeat over and over that they are only using tricks while demonstrating their abilities because it is the rule to never discuss the secret outside of the telepathic connection.


Q:  Does intuition come from our DNA?

A:Information is stored in our DNA but we also share information through telepathy. For example, you might have an intuition about how someone is feeling when you are no where near them and haven’t spoken or written in a while, but then you give them a call and find out that your “intuition” about their feelings were correct. Most people are aware of this but will only talk about it using code or words and phrases with multiple interpretations or won’t even talk about it at all. Subtly aware readers will openly talk about it but are usually unable to articulate the experience and usually choose not to even try because of social repercussion. Non-readers talk about it not knowing that everyone around them is aware but unable to talk about it with them.

Mind Control Through The Heart

It was said by an anonymous poster, in response to this information that “Everyone might be a mind reader but no one can control the heart.”

Heart may refer to many things.   Depending on what the poster who asked the question means by “heart” I may provide a different answer.  Regardless I will do my best to figure out the the questioner meant as I am no longer a mind reader and have a more difficult time discerning what is meant by such broad terms.

All systems are interconnected and readers use the heart to control the mind.  They love to use guilt, sympathy, a person’s need to be loved or forgiven as ways to corner people into belief systems that can be used to control people on all levels.

Subtly aware readers are especially susceptible to this type of control.  Those who are only slightly aware but who play along with the rest of the hive as if nothing is going on uses intuition and other instincts to guide them.  Higher level mediators plant seeds in one’s mind or will lead people down lines of thought in order to use their intuitive senses against them. Sometimes it will be as simple as making them comfortable or agitated  in any given situation.  Many of these readers never question as to why they feel the way they do, instead they falsely identify these feelings with people or places that the mediators want them to associate feelings with.

For example there may be a conversation between two subtly aware readers and the mediators don’t want these two people to interact with each other.  The mediator will cause one reader, Reader A, to feel uncomfortable or scatter-brained or anxious, while Reader B is talking.  Reader A identifies these unpleasant feelings with the interaction and with Reader B and will go away feeling as if Reader B was annoying and difficult to listen to.  In this example, without the mediator Reader A would have listened to Reader B and would have communicated about the subjects that the mediators were attempting to stop.  This interaction can happen when a subtly aware reader is communicating to a non-reader as well.  The subtly aware reader will have agitation caused by the mediator that is then associated with interacting with the non-reader who is now viewed as “annoying” for reasons that are difficult for Reader A to articulate.  A subtly aware reader will say that someone rubbed them the wrong way because that is how their mediator wanted them to perceive the person.

It Comes Naturally

Q:  This isn’t a natural phenomenon is my immediate reaction. It is tech based. How does one opt out? Is there a chip or what?

A:  It’s natural. There isn’t widespread use of a chip yet. As far as opting out goes you kind of are opted out by being a non-reader, assuming that you are one.

Q:  Sounds lik…

Q:  Sounds like some kind of slow death. They’re vampires, vultures, leaches and parasites. Why can you not cut yourself off from the hive? Nonreaders survive without the hive. Perhaps we do not have the same definition of hive.

A;  It’s a slow death so that they can siphon as much energy from me as possible throughout the process.

They are energy thieves.

By “hive” I usually mean the collective of readers but I also use “hive” to refer to society.

While non-readers survive without being apart of the collective of readers most still require interaction with society. There are small rural communities of non-readers who survive without the hive but they are difficult to locate and who knows what might follow me if I did seek them out.

Confirmation Of A Reader – BEWARE

I mentioned before that there is a process where one confirms that they are a reader with other readers, or that they are “let in” by others in ways that prove the link.  Readers might do this in ways like meeting somewhere, after communicating about the location  through telepathy, to confirm with each other, without communicating out loud, that the ability is real.

Non-readers should avoid this set up with readers if they feel they are being blocked by others as opposed to self-imposed blocks.  This is because readers will use this process to throw awakening non-readers off the path.  Readers might fake a process of confirmation and make the connection appear as some kind of delusion.

Tactics For Dealing With Non-Readers May Vary

I’ve recently heard that the readers of the hive are taking a softer approach when dealing with questioning non-readers, using humor and other soft denial tactics.

For example, imagine you tell someone you are certain is a reader that you know what they are and that they can drop the act.  Not only will they deny that they know what you are talking about but they will press you for information because they want to know if you will go through with talking about this info with others.  Then if you do reveal to them that you are willing to talk about their telepathic abilities with others they are now starting to take a “soft approach” which usually will involve humor to ease the situation.  They may even agree that they are mind readers but in a way that is meant to seem playful or amusing.  They might even try to show you that they are not mind readers by giving you a false reading.  They will tell you to think of a number or something and when you think of one they will give a false attempt to read you and then when you see they get the answer wrong it is meant to show you that they are not mind readers when in fact they are telepathic.

Believe It Or Not: The Average Reader Is Only Subtly Aware

The majority of readers are unaware of the real intent of those who govern the noosphere.  These partially aware readers know about the connection, they are able to read others and are aware of non-readers but they are unaware of the full scope and depth of the noosphere.  These lower level readers have little control over their abilities and in many cases are unaware that a Hierarchy exists.

The exile process is slightly different for these “subtly aware readers” as they will be referred to in this blog.  They know not to talk about it but if they do decide to speak about it they usually have a difficult time articulating the experience using the lower forms of communication.  As soon as they do, other readers will turn a deaf ear to the subtly aware one.  If a low level reader persists in their attempt to write or speak about their knowledge of telepathy, then as a consequence, other readers will stop interacting with that reader with telepathy, leaving that subtly aware reader to wonder if the connection was ever real.